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What is Virtual Autism | How To Deal With It

    TLDR Excessive screen time and addiction to electronic gadgets can lead to stunted neurological development in children, resulting in symptoms similar to autism, known as virtual autism, and parents need to take initiative to promote outdoor activities and reduce screen time to prevent it.

    Key insights

    🤔Virtual Autism is a term used to describe the impact of artificial pressure and the creation of a virtual world on a child’s neurological development, potentially hindering their ability to communicate and interact.

    📱Virtual autism is characterized by children being glued to smartphones, paying no attention to anything else, which can hinder their language development and cause them to imitate cartoons instead of speaking.

    😶Children with virtual autism exhibit symptoms similar to those with autism, such as avoiding eye contact and delayed speech development, leading to difficulties in social interaction.

    📱Children can become addicted to smartphones when parents use them as a means to keep them occupied, potentially hindering their ability to study and behave properly.

    📱Children’s excessive screen time and attachment to electronic gadgets can be influenced by their parents’ own screen time habits.

    🤔Virtual autism is a concept that has emerged due to the influence of parents and the environment they create for their children, highlighting the importance of parental involvement in addressing this issue.

    💉The release of dopamine in the brain due to phone addiction is leading to a desire for constant fun and entertainment, resulting in further addiction.


    🧩00:00 Virtual Autism is a disorder where neurological development in children is affected, and Virtual Autism is when external factors create a virtual world that affects the child.

    📱01:47 Improper nutrition and excessive screen time can lead to stunted neurological development in children, resulting in speech impediments and physical weakness, known as virtual autism. Expand

    🧩03:27 Children addicted to electronic gadgets may exhibit symptoms of virtual autism, showing similar traits to autism but not diagnosed as such. Expand

    🧩05:22 Parents are allowing their children to become addicted to phones to keep them silent and busy, neglecting their growth and education.

    📱06:13 Parents should reduce their own screen time to zero in order to encourage their children to do the same.

    🧩07:02 Parents need to take initiative in promoting outdoor activities for their children to prevent virtual autism, as the concept has emerged due to the influence of the electronic world.

    📱07:51 Youth are becoming addicted to mobile phones, leading to stress, lack of clear thinking, and increased dopamine release, causing them to seek fun and entertainment in everything.

    🧩08:41 Take a 75-day challenge to overcome addiction and learn techniques to break free from it.