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How to get Hunter Eyes [The Science-Based Method]

    TLDR Achieving “Hunter eyes” is possible through various methods such as improving posture, addressing nutrient deficiencies, boosting testosterone, and making lifestyle changes to promote rest and growth, ultimately leading to a more attractive appearance.

    Key insights

    🦁Hunter eyes are a type of eyes that look like the eyes of feline animals or other predators, and are a combination of deep set eyes and lots of bone mass around the eyes.

    😌Nose breathing and people with Hunter eyes are low stress, similar to lions, while prey eyes are very stressed, similar to prey animals.

    🦴Androgens play a key role in causing the difference in bone mass between males and females, making them a key component in gaining more bone mass around the eyes.

    ☀️Exposing the gonads to sunlight can boost testosterone production by at least 200% according to a study from 1939.

    💪Taking chillet and royal jelly supplements can boost testosterone levels, increase energy, and improve eye sparkle, making you more attractive.

    💪Masseter muscles can generate 400 lb of force, equivalent to the weight of an average Nile crocodile, which can affect the shape of the face.

    😴Good sleep is crucial for achieving Hunter eyes, as lack of sleep can lead to a tired and malnourished appearance with increased upper eyelid exposure.

    💡T3 hormone boosts eyebrow and eyelash growth, and increasing metabolism can help achieve thicker and longer brows and lashes.


    👀00:00 Hunter eyes are attractive to women and are characterized by deep-set eyes, thick eyebrows, and lack of bone mass around the eyes, while prey eyes have bulging eyes, lots of upper eyelid exposure, and thin eyebrows and eyelashes. 

    👀01:40 Prey animals are in the sympathetic state for heightened alertness, while predator animals are in the parasympathetic state for rest and growth, and nose breathing and Hunter eyes are associated with low stress. 

    👀03:38 Activation of the SNS can lead to posture and breathing issues, but can be improved through training and addressing nutrient deficiencies, while “Hunter eyes” are influenced by hormonal profiles and can be boosted through various methods. 

    💡05:14 Sunlight on testicles boosts testosterone production, sleep better and block blue light for optimal hormone levels, and follow Instagram for more tips.

    👀06:20 Take chillet and royal jelly supplements to boost testosterone and improve eye sparkle, while correcting posture and tongue posture can shift facial bones and improve canel tilt. 

    💡07:46 Massaging your masseters is important for achieving hunter eyes as tight masseter muscles can pull the corners of the eyes down and create a more negative tilt, leading to asymmetries and changes in facial shape.

    👀08:35 Achieve Hunter eyes through brow ridge thickness, good sleep, and collagen maxing by increasing intake of vitamin C, copper, zinc, and amino acids found in gelatinous foods. Expand

    👀10:01 Having a fast metabolism and avoiding seed oils, consuming coconut oil and raw honey, walking barefoot on grass, and applying castor oil can lead to thicker and longer eyebrows and eyelashes for achieving Hunter eyes. 

    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

    How can one achieve Hunter Eyes without surgery?

    Achieving Hunter Eyes through exercise without surgery is not guaranteed and can be a complex process [1].
    Consistently practicing relaxed facial expressions is a simple method to potentially achieve Hunter Eyes [3].
    Utilizing face muscle training techniques like mewing can help in achieving Hunter Eyes naturally [4].

    How can one achieve Hunter Eyes naturally?

    Practice mewing, a technique that involves proper tongue posture to reshape facial muscles [1].
    Exercise by moving your eyes from side to center to side, repeating the movement five times [2].
    Perform facial exercises like blinking, head movements, and using pinhole glasses for 30 days [3].
    Keep your tongue in the correct resting position to work on achieving Hunter Eyes [4].
    Additional tips include the importance of mewing, chewing gum for a better jawline, and practicing relaxed facial expressions [5].

    What are some natural ways to get hunter eyes according to the article?

    According to the article, some natural ways to get hunter eyes include mewing for face muscle training, using pinhole glasses, practicing relaxed facial expressions, and chewing gum for a better jawline.