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Exploring the Acolyte Background 5E (DND 5E Backgrounds)

    TLDR Players and DMs should pay more attention to the unique benefits and opportunities that backgrounds in DnD can provide for characters.

    Key insights

    📚The unique spot of backgrounds in DnD is that they are often deeply loved, but still overlooked and ignored by players and DMs.

    🏛️Being part of a large institution like a temple can grant access to exclusive information and assistance from local priests or monks.

    💭A character’s traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws should evolve as the narrative progresses, reflecting the changes in the character’s story arc.

    💡Insight and religion are pretty good things for most classes, especially if you’re playing a campaign that’s steeped in gods.


    📚00:00 Acolyte background series in DnD 5E is being discussed by Chance, who believes backgrounds are often overlooked in character development.

    📜01:12 Acolyte is a member of a church or belief organization, and it’s useful to discuss gods with your DM at a session zero.

    🎲02:55 Gain skill proficiencies, languages, and equipment as an Acolyte background, with features that can change how your party plays.

    📜04:54 Acolytes can receive healing and support from their temple, but must provide materials and payment, and can also receive assistance and information from fellow believers. Expand

    🎲07:00 Acolyte background in DnD 5E offers role play opportunities and benefits, but is often overlooked by players. 

    🎲08:44 Communicate flaws with your dungeon master, and don’t be afraid to change your character’s traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws as the narrative progresses.

    🎲10:09 Character development and insight into religion are important for most classes, and discussing it during session zero is relevant, as well as taking advantage of the shelter of the faithful feature.

    🎲11:31 One shots are available for free with a code, and the speaker plays a game once a month and has an interview on Monday.