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Exploring the Hermit Background 5E (DND 5E Backgrounds)

    TLDR The hermit background in DnD 5E can be made unique and interesting with creativity, and can provide opportunities for character development and intriguing plot devices for the DM to work with.

    Key insights

    🤔The hermit background may not be very exciting or interesting to some players, but it can be made unique with a little bit of thought and creativity.

    📚The hermit background provides skill proficiencies in medicine and religion, reflecting the character’s time spent in seclusion.

    🌿The herbalism kit and scroll case stuffed full of notes could be central to your character’s overarching development or a campaign all into itself.

    🌌The hermit background may uncover a great truth about the cosmos or unearth a relic that could rewrite history, making it a unique and intriguing plot device for a DM to work with.

    💡The Hermit background in DnD 5E may not be the best choice for gaining access to information, as there are better backgrounds that can replace and improve on this feature.

    🐒The hermit background can be used to create a character seeking enlightenment through experience with the world, but constantly drawn back into worldly pleasures.


    📜00:00 The hermit background in DnD 5E may not be very exciting, but it can be interesting with some thought and personal spin.

    🏞️01:31 Lived in seclusion, gained proficiency in medicine and religion.

    🌿02:09 You gain an herbalism kit, a language, and some basic equipment, with the potential for character development through the scroll case.

    🔍03:23 The Hermit background in DnD 5E doesn’t provide any mechanical or social benefits, but it can be an interesting plot device for the DM to work with.

    🎲05:05 Hermit background in DnD 5E offers limited benefits, but can be improved with other backgrounds, and has suggested characteristics for personality traits and flaws.

    🧘06:22 Hermit background in DnD can create a character seeking enlightenment through adventure, but being anti-social is not very exciting.

    😕07:51 Hermit background in DnD 5E lacks mechanical benefits compared to others, but can be improved with alternative features.

    🎲09:08 The speaker invites viewers to share their thoughts on the hermit character and offers a free one-shot access code.