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Exploring the Sage Background 5E (DND 5E Backgrounds)

    TLDR The sage background in D&D 5E provides versatility and flavor to character backgrounds, allowing players to excel at researching and finding knowledge, and access unique equipment and information.

    Key insights

    🧙‍♂️The sage background in D&D 5E adds versatility and depth to the wizard class, making it a fantastic choice for players who want a well-rounded character.

    🌌The sage background allows players to immerse themselves in the study of the multiverse, ancient lore, and various fields of expertise, adding depth and complexity to their characters.

    📚The sage character class in D&D 5E draws inspiration from a truckload of fictional characters, books, and movies.

    📜The letter from a dead colleague with an unsolved puzzle in the sage’s equipment can be a whole story and adventure in itself, adding depth to the game.

    🧙‍♂️Doctor Strange is essentially a sage who has mastered skills through study, not just in magic but also in health and the human body.

    🧙‍♂️Knowledge in the game is not just about knowing stuff, but also about knowing how to find and research information, making it a challenging and immersive experience.

    📚Building a character around knowledge and wisdom, like Yoda or Dumbledore, can be a unique and enjoyable experience in D&D.


    🧙‍♂️00:00 The sage background in D&D 5E is great for wizards, providing versatility and flavor to character backgrounds.

    🔍01:35 Study the mechanical aspects of the sage background and choose a field of study that interests you.

    🔮02:57 Sages in D&D 5E draw inspiration from fictional characters and should choose their character class carefully to avoid overlapping skills. Expand

    🔍04:49 Learn two languages, get useful information, and have access to unique equipment as a sage in D&D 5E.

    📚06:21 As a sage, you have a natural ability to recall and learn information, and you excel at researching and finding knowledge in libraries and universities, similar to Doctor Strange.

    🔍07:42 The DM interprets secret information, requiring a cooperative Dungeon Master to access it, similar to how Gandalf and Dumbledore had to seek out and find information.

    🧙‍♂️09:15 Choose your path, select traits, and dedicate yourself to the pursuit of knowledge as a sage in D&D 5E.

    🔮10:51 Playing a sage in D&D allows for a character based around knowledge and the ability to answer questions, with additional videos on different backgrounds and support options available.